Continuing Education

IRON201 - Intermediate Blacksmithing

Course Code

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Course Overview

Advance your blacksmithing skills by employing basic and intermediate connection techniques to produce a piece of wrought iron grillwork. Explore techniques such as stock calculation, upsetting right-angle corners, riveting, mortise and tenon joinery, collaring, forge welding, botanical forms, and heating tools. Through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice, form elements of a wrought iron grill using riveting, collaring, upsetting, forging, and attaching floral forms and traditional scrollwork to the grill elements. Tools will include rivet headers and hot-cutting tools that help attach and produce the floral elements. Achieve robust tool design while developing your tools.

With the skills gained in this course, you will be able to create rivet sets, set hammers, fullers for tenons, and slot punches.

Required Equipment: CSA-approved steel-toed footwear, CSA-approved clear safety glasses, earplugs or earmuffs, welding gloves (loose-fitting, gauntlet style), a low-cost leather apron, and natural fiber clothing that covers arms and legs.

It is required that you complete IRON101- Blacksmithing before enrolling in this course.

Upcoming Offerings

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Class Section Start/End Schedule
11867 E01 Dec. 05 - Dec. 07, 2025 Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours Delivery   Fees
18 hours Face-to-Face $765
Meeting Times:
  • Dec. 5 - Friday: 6:00 PM - 9:50 PM
  • Dec. 6 & 7 - Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 AM - 4:50 PM

All times shown are in MT


A material fee of $75 will be added upon registration.

Class Section Start/End Schedule
21771 E01 Feb. 20 - Feb. 22, 2026 Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours Delivery   Fees
18 hours Face-to-Face $765
Meeting Times:
  • Feb. 20 - Friday: 6:00 PM - 9:50 PM
  • Feb. 21 & 22 - Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 AM - 4:50 PM

All times shown are in MT


A material fee of $75 will be added upon registration.

Delivery Methods

  • Face to Face: Where: In-person meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Face-to-face instruction at all class meetings. Location may be on campus or at a worksite.
  • Blended: Where: Mixture of in-person & online components. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Combination of face-to-face and online components at specific times. Some online components may be accessed online anytime.
  • Hyflex: Where: Choice to attend in-person or online meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. For each class, students choose to attend in-person with the instructor or online at a specific time.
  • Remote Live Delivery: Where: Online with instructor. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Instruction is delivered at set times online. Students do not come to campus.
  • Remote On-Demand Delivery: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online. While there are no set class meetings, there may be set due dates and deadlines for some activities. Students may interact with peers through virtual tools.
  • Remote Independent: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online, with no instructor support. While students choose when to do coursework, there may be set due dates and deadlines. 
  • Work Placement: Where: In-person meetings. When: Work is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Onsite work integrated learning. Location at a worksite.
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