Continuing Education

BFND545 - Finance Administration for Supervisory Staff

Course Code

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Course Overview

It’s about the numbers. What financial principles do you need to be aware of as a supervisor?
This course offers an introduction to financial reporting standards. Although it is not meant to give you a comprehensive understanding of these standards, it is important for today’s business professional to understand the current trends in standard setting and application:
• describe the main components of the conceptual framework for financial reporting,
• identify the qualitative characteristics of accounting information
• analyze the basic elements financial statements
• explain the factors that contribute to the choices in financial reporting decisions

This class is designed to provide a practical application that will allow the participant to experience hands on financial applications and decision making; as a result attendance of and participation in each class is mandatory.

Upcoming Offerings

This course is not currently scheduled. Please submit this form to indicate your interest in this course.

Delivery Methods

  • Face to Face: Where: In-person meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Face-to-face instruction at all class meetings. Location may be on campus or at a worksite.
  • Blended: Where: Mixture of in-person & online components. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Combination of face-to-face and online components at specific times. Some online components may be accessed online anytime.
  • Hyflex: Where: Choice to attend in-person or online meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. For each class, students choose to attend in-person with the instructor or online at a specific time.
  • Remote Live Delivery: Where: Online with instructor. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Instruction is delivered at set times online. Students do not come to campus.
  • Remote On-Demand Delivery: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online. While there are no set class meetings, there may be set due dates and deadlines for some activities. Students may interact with peers through virtual tools.
  • Remote Independent: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online, with no instructor support. While students choose when to do coursework, there may be set due dates and deadlines. 
  • Work Placement: Where: In-person meetings. When: Work is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Onsite work integrated learning. Location at a worksite.
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