Continuing Education

Incident Command System (ICS)

Incident Command System (ICS) training is foundational for Emergency Response and critical to creating a strong emergency response strategy.

Gain essential skills for incident management including:

  • Operate efficiently and confidently within the structured ICS to guide your response strategy.
  • Understand the different roles within the ICS to ensure you have the right personnel in place to respond effectively to a crisis.
  • Learn how to work in a Section or other supporting role in the Incident Management Team or Emergency Coordination Centre.
  • Understand how to effectively manage administration and finance of an emergency event. Gain an idea of how to analyze the potential financial implications of a crisis.

CDEM110, CDEM120, and CDEM190 have mandatory ICS Canada prerequisites. If you did not take the approved provider prerequisite at NAIT, please contact with a copy of your prerequisite. A list of approved providers can be found on ICS Canada's Recognized Training Partners list.


Quick Facts

Campus: Main

Any in-person components of your courses will be delivered at NAIT's Main Campus in Edmonton. View map

Delivery Modes:

  • Varies by Class - Delivery mode varies by class. See Courses and Advanced Credit to view course scheduling details.

Delivery Times:

  • Varies by Class - Delivery times varies by class. See Courses and Advanced Credit to view course scheduling details.

Certificate Information

Officially recognized Incident Command System (ICS) Canada courses offered by NAIT include CDEM100 – ICS I-100, CDEM110 – ICS I-200, and CDEM120 – ICS I-300. Students need to observe the required wait times between official ICS courses. Additionally, students are required take them in the following order:

CDEM100 - ICS I-100, Introduction to the Incident Command System (1-day online class)

After completing ICS 100, the student can proceed directly into ICS 200.

CDEM110 – ICS I-200 - Basic Incident Command System (2-day course on campus or 4 half-day virtual classes)

After completion of ICS 200, a minimum six-month waiting period is required before enrolling in ICS 300. It may be waived by ICS Canada if the student participates in a significant ICS experience in between 200 and 300.

CDEM120 – ICS I-300– Advanced ICS For Expanding Incidents (3-day course)

Note: This course is coming soon. It is currently in development to facilitate distance delivery using a virtual classroom.

After completion of ICS 300, a minimum six-month waiting period is required before enrolling in ICS 400. It may be waived by ICS Canada if the student participates in a significant ICS experience in between 300 and 400.

CDEM 190 – ICS I-400 – Advanced ICS For Command and General Staff, Complex Incidents (2-day course)

Note: This course is coming soon. It is currently in development to facilitate distance delivery using a virtual classroom.

During the required wait times between ICS 200 through ICS 400, the student may enrol in additional CDEM courses designed to prepare people to function inside the various ICS Sections. All courses require ICS 100 as a prerequisite and students are encouraged to have ICS 200, but it is not required.

NAIT and ICS Canada also offer position-specific training for Command and General Staff leadership positions during our annual All Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) Academy.


Shawna Bruce, RRU, MADEM

Shawna Bruce, RRU, MADEM

Shawna Bruce is a self-identified "Master of Disaster" and seasoned strategic communicator and trainer with 30 years of crisis communications, public information and public affairs experience.

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Please contact us to learn more about the Incident Command System (ICS) Training certificate.

General Inquiries

Frequently Asked Questions


Funding Options

Courses, certificates and transfer credits

Technology Requirements

Delivery Methods

  • Face to Face: Where: In-person meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Face-to-face instruction at all class meetings. Location may be on campus or at a worksite.
  • Blended: Where: Mixture of in-person & online components. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Combination of face-to-face and online components at specific times. Some online components may be accessed online anytime.
  • Hyflex: Where: Choice to attend in-person or online meetings. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. For each class, students choose to attend in-person with the instructor or online at a specific time.
  • Remote Live Delivery: Where: Online with instructor. When: Course is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Instruction is delivered at set times online. Students do not come to campus.
  • Remote On-Demand Delivery: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online. While there are no set class meetings, there may be set due dates and deadlines for some activities. Students may interact with peers through virtual tools.
  • Remote Independent: Where: Online anytime. When: No set class meetings. Coursework is accessed on-demand and online, with no instructor support. While students choose when to do coursework, there may be set due dates and deadlines. 
  • Work Placement: Where: In-person meetings. When: Work is scheduled at a specific time for students to attend. Onsite work integrated learning. Location at a worksite.
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