- Health Requirement - Skin Issues
Any prospective students with serious skin disorders such as psoriasis, dermatitis or a latex allergy should consider their options carefully before applying to this program. Those with back, arm or neck problems, issues with mobility or significant health challenges are advised to consult with the Program Chair. As well, students are required to be patients for peers in a clinical setting: official documentation from a physician or dentist must be presented if a student is unable to be a patient.
- Computer Requirement - General
Students are required to have laptop computers for the duration of their studies at NAIT. This is referred to as BYOD (bring your own device). Exact laptop specifications will be provided to the students upon acceptance.
NAIT provides a wireless environment for all students to use. NAIT students can also utilize the virtual environment (VDI) to access coursework and program-related software both on and off campus.
Students must provide evidence of current BLS certification before commencing clinical training. BLS certification must remain current throughout clinical training, therefore, it is recommended that certification is obtained just prior to clinical training commencement. The BLS certification course that meets this requirement must be designed for individuals who will be health care providers. The NAIT Continuing Education Course that meets this requirement is CPRS100 - Basic Life Support.
- Immunization – School of Health and Life Science:
For the 2024-25 academic year, NAIT has partnered with Verified by Synergy Gateway Inc. to provide support and clearance for the School of Health and Life Sciences clinical placement requirements. The Synergy Gateway platform allows you to digitally upload the documentation for your program and practicum requirements.
The program will contact you with specific instructions and information for completing the immunization requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all the necessary documents are obtained and submitted to Verified by the deadlines provided by the program.
If you do not meet the immunization requirements, your work-integrated learning experience (clinical training) may be refused by a clinical site, and there may be restrictions to campus lab and clinic experience, which may ultimately impede your progression in the program.
Any associated fees for Verified by Synergy Gateway Inc. to complete the pre-placement requirements are the sole responsibility of the student.
- Police Check – School of Health and Life Science:
For the 2024-25 academic year, NAIT has partnered with Verified by Synergy Gateway Inc. to provide support and clearance for the School of Health and Life Sciences clinical placement requirements. The Synergy Gateway platform allows you to digitally upload the documentation for your program and practicum requirements.
Students are required to provide a current Police Information Check (also referred to as a Security Clearance or Criminal Record Check) which must include a Vulnerable Sector Search. Please do not proceed with the Police Information Check until an offer of acceptance and follow-up instructions have been issued by the program. The Police Information Check is only considered valid when submitted within 90 days of the program start date. If you do not meet the police information check requirements, your work-integrated learning experience (clinical training) may be refused by a clinical site, which may ultimately impede your progress in the program. If you have concerns about the clearance status of your Police Information Check, contact SHLSWIL@nait.ca immediately upon acceptance to the program.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all the necessary documents are obtained and submitted to Verified by the deadlines provided by the program. Any associated fees for Verified by Synergy Gateway Inc. to complete the pre-placement requirements are the sole responsibility of the student.
- Program Exploration Activities:
Applicants are encouraged to complete the following activities to ensure an understanding of the Dental Assisting program and profession:
- Review the program website
- Attend Open House
- Attend Program Preview
- Visit Dental Office
- Review the College of Alberta Dental Assistants website